5:00 PM17:00

ELCC's 17th Annual Passover

"In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight is the LORD's Passover." (Leviticus 23:5) The Passover meal includes bitter herbs and unleavened bread and is eaten to commemorate the Israelites leaving Egypt in haste. It points to Yeshua, "For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us." (1 Corinthians 5:7)

Call Gracia for Seating arrangements and order your tickets through our online ticket sales App!

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2:00 PM14:00

Special Movie Event "Ark in the Darkness

On the 30th of March, ELCC will be showing the Premier of “The Ark in the Darkness”. The Movie will start at 2:00 pm. Concessions will be served. Seating is limited get your tickets today

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1:30 PM13:30

ELCC Presents the movie "The Shift" By Angel Studios

A Modern Day Story like Hob and How a man overcomes the challenges!

The Romance in The Shift

In The Shift, Kevin Garner (Kristoffer Polaha) wakes up in an alternate totalitarian reality and must travel across dimensions to reunite with the love of his life, Molly (Elizabeth Tabish). When a mysterious adversary known as The Benefactor (Neal McDonough) threatens Kevin’s survival with offers of wealth and power, Kevin fights to make it back to the world he knows and the woman he loves.

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to Oct 7

The Last Weekend of "Feast of Tabernacles"

Join us at ELCC for a weekend of joyous celebrations and spiritual growth. On Friday, October 6th, we will be observing Shemini Atzeret and on October 7th is Simchat Torah, the Eight day these, two holidays that honor and celebrate God's Word. In addition, we will be hosting a Thanksgiving Celebration at 12:00 pm that day, where ELCC will provide the turkey and we invite you to bring your favorite Thanksgiving sides and desserts to share.

But that's not all - on Saturday at 9:00 am, we will be holding a special Prayer Time event. We invite you to come and spend an hour in prayer with us, seeking God's guidance and blessings for ourselves and our community.

Don't miss out on these wonderful opportunities to connect with God and one another. We look forward to seeing you at ELCC!

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6:00 PM18:00

Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets is the first of the Fall Feasts; Please join at 6:00 pm for a family potluck dinner and at 7:00 for a special service as Pastor Steve Teaches on the Profound understanding of Yom Teruah. Worship, Community Dance and Teaching! Bring your family.

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6:30 PM18:30

New Moon Celebration

Dear ELCC: June 20th at 6:30 pm we will be celebrating Rosh Chodesh or The New Month Celebration at ELCC.  We will be eating potluck – bring a main dish or salad and dessert.

Blessings and Shalom

Pastor Steve and Pastor Evelyn

 What is Rosh Chodesh?

Rosh Chodesh is a minor holiday that marks the beginning of each Hebrew month. Rosh Chodeshliterally means “head of the month”. The word Chodeshcomes from the root chadash, which means "new". The Jewish calendar has 12 months - 13 in leap years - half of these months are 30 days long and the other half are 29 days. At the end of the months that have 30 days Rosh Chodesh is observed for two days, on the 30th day of the previous month and the first day of the new month. For the months that have 29 days, it’s observed on the first day of the next month. Rosh Chodesh this month is celebrated on June 24th/30 Sivan and June 25th/1 Tammuz

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10:00 AM10:00

The Temple Experienc

“Waiting and Watching”

The Temple Experience

Shavu’ot – Pentecost   2023

May 27th  10:00 am  at ELCC




This Saturday at 10:00 am will start the Celebration of Shavu’ot or Pentecost with “The Temple Experience!”  This event will be a great memorial to you as you will go through the “Temple Stations” as a pattern of what Yahweh/Yeshua gave to Moses.  We will celebrate the Second Greatest Event known to man – The Giving of the Torah and then The Empowering of The Holy Spirit to live by HIS Ways. 

The people came to The Temple to approach HIS Presence to find forgiveness, cleansing, grace, hope, direction, and HIS Teaching and Instruction – The Way, The Truth, and The Life – The Torah – The Incarnate Torah – Yeshua!!  Yeshua, The Living Word came to make available to us HIS Covenants of Promise, as we were strangers to HIS Promises.  The Temple was HIS Dwelling Place.

You will experience going through “The Gates,” “The Walls,” “The Altar,”  “The Table of Showbread,” “The Brass Laver,” The Holy Place and so on.   Expect that at each station will have great meaning to you as The Holy Spirit will speak to your heart, and you will receive many revelations. 

We believe you will have a greater understanding and experience prayer, fellowship, worship and to gain a greater intimacy with Yahweh/Yeshua.  This may be a time for you to find emotional or physical healing.  This is a time that is not about the event, but about an Encounter with The Living Messiah Yeshua and HIS Ways.  You will find forgiveness, grace, mercy, Instructions, HIS Love, strength, and courage.  When one comes seeking HIS Presence – seeking HIS Face to Face encounter with the KING, The Messiah, The Healer, The Kinsman Redeemer, The Incarnate Torah, and The Restorer.

You are cordially invited to come join us for a life changing time – at The Temple Experience!!!

Please R.S.V.P. so we can know how many to set up lunch for which is available for  $5.00.  please bring salad or dessert. 

Pastor Steve and Pastor Evelyn





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to Apr 1

Shabbat HaGadol (Nissan 10th)

This is when Israel would Select the Passover Lamb -The Triumphant parade of lambs which Jesus/Yeshua followed them on the donkey’s colt.

Erev Shabbat 6:00pm Potluck Meal (bring Scrumptious food) 7:00pm HaGadol Service

Shabbat 10:00am Teaching 12:00 pm Meal and at 1:30 Mikveh Service

Join us for this weekends Special Services!

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10:00 AM10:00

Shabbat Service and Annual ELCC Hanukkah Party!

Join us for our 10:00 am Service and our Hanukkah Party

10:00 am Pastor Steve will have an amazing Teaching on Hanukkah and it’s corralation to Jesus/Yeshua’s Ministry as this Festival is known as the Feast of Dedication and also as the Festival of Lights. Jesus /Yeshua is Known at the “Light of the World” Which is an actual Lamp used in the celebration of Hanukkah.

12:00 pm Join us for a Potluck meal ! Bring a main dish and a Salad or Dessert .

1:00 pm Let the Party Begin! Bring a wrapped $15.00 or less gift to play “You thought it was Yours!” Our Annual Driedal Competition will follow! This will Be a great time of blessing and fun!

PS Bring a bag of candy for the Driedal Competition!

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5:00 PM17:00

1st Night of Hanukkah!

Join us for our annual Chili Cookoff and Cinnamon Roll Bakeoff!

Starting at 5:00 pm we Invite you to our Chili and Cinnamon Cook off! Bring your best recipes and enter to win prizes in each category! At 6:00 pm we will start our Hanukkah Celebration Service. This is also known as the Feast of Dedication and the Festival of Lights as Jesus/Yeshua is mentioned in the New Testament was participating as He was considered to be the “Light of the World!

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11:00 AM11:00

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is an amazing day of repentance and restoration! I remember the first Yom Kippur and the feeling of true amazement at the Holiness of our God and how little I knew about God’s Holy Days and what a divine influence this event had on me and my family.! Please join us and celebrate Yom Kippur with us! There is a hidden wisdom in these biblical feast days that our God is sharing with us!

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